Letter from the Publisher

Dear Friends,
As we start to shed off the layers of clothing and enjoy the warmer weather, the aroma of barbecues, the allure of beaches and the charm of long summer days, we embrace the spirit of the season. The music of ice cream trucks roaming down the streets and children counting down the days until the last day of school fill the air with anticipation. Graduation parties and Father’s Day celebrations are all vibrant reminders that summer is abound.
June also marks our Men’s Health issue, a pivotal time to focus on important aspects of men’s well-being. This brings us to our feature article: “Solving Mental Health Issues in Men: Finding Meaning in Turbulent Times.” Many men struggle with mental health issues, often experiencing debilitating emotional turmoil in silence. The evidence of this suffering is quantifiable in many ways, and it’s crucial that we bring these issues to light.
A significant article, “Prostate Protection: A Look at Holistic Cancer-Prevention Strategies,” dives deep into an often-overlooked aspect of men’s health. Most men don’t usually think about their prostate until they face an exam or experience symptoms such as pain or difficulties while urinating. These symptoms may be attributed to a benign enlargement of the gland, usually in older men, or to the presence of cancer cells.
Following this, we have “Building Quality Muscle: How Diet and Resistance Training Can Help.” Muscles act like metabolic Spanx, holding everything in the body tighter, supporting joints to prevent injuries, keeping bones strong and helping the immune system remain resilient to infection.
Let’s not forget man’s best friend. Our article “Cannabidiol for Dogs: Tips for Successful CBD Treatments” explores the benefits of CBD for pets. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a standout compound found in cannabis and hemp plants. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it will not get a pet “high”, but it has caught the attention of dog owners worldwide for its health benefits.
And there’s so much more in this issue to explore.
As we soak in the warmth and energy of summer, let’s also take the time to reflect on our health and well-being, and that of those around us. Embrace the season with a renewed sense of purpose and joy.
“Summertime is always the best of what might be.” – Charles Bowden
Wishing you a vibrant and healthy summer,